Cangkuang temple history

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Cangkuang temple history
 Temple history Cangkuang Garut - Location
Temple history Cangkuang Garut is a Hindu temple located in Kampung Pulo, in the village of Leles Cangkuang District, Garut regency, West Java. Cangkuang temple layout is quite unique because it is located on a small hilltop surrounded by a lake namely Situ Situ or Cangkuang.

The layout of the temple site located at coordinates rather -7.101989 +107.919483 Google Maps. See it lies in the middle of the lake, and then of course to go to the site we will require a raft or canoe. The site is located at a distance of about 3 kilometers from the city center arrowroot, and can be reached by using the services of wagon, motorcycle, or it could be on foot.

In addition there is a temple site, in the area of ​​Cangkuang Temple Garut also contained an ancient tomb of stone by the surrounding community called Grandparent Dalem Arief Muhammad's tomb is believed to be the founding elders of the area. In addition, in the Kampung Pulo neighborhood is also a cultural heritage in the form of custom residential community of Kampung Pulo which is still well preserved.

history of Cangkuang Temple Garut - Background The presence
The origin of the name Candi Cangkuang Garut village named after the place where the site is located. Cangkuang itself is actually a name of a tree is the Tree Cangkuang. Cangkuang tree is commonly found in this area, and this is what makes this village is called by the name of the village Cangkuang.

Cangkuang Temple Garut history begins from a discovery by a Dutchman named Vorderman, who then wrote it down in a book that is Bataviach Genoot Minutes Schap. The minutes book was written in 1893. And in a note in this book Vorderman says that on the hill in the village of Kampung Pulo Cangkuang have discovered an ancient tomb and a statue of Shiva that has been damaged.

A research team led by an archaeologist named Drs.Uka Tjandrasasmita and Prof.Harsoyo, on December 9, 1966 had rediscovered temple Cangkuang long lost buried.

Temple history Cangkuang Garut - Restoration

Starting from the initial discovery that a larger study conducted in 1967-1968. The first discovery is only found an ancient tomb which is believed to be the tomb of Muhammad Arief was a founder of the village. Besides this ancient tomb also found a foundation measuring 4.5 x 4.5 meters with stones strewn around. By the surrounding communities, scattered stones is often taken and used as an epitaph on their tomb.

In the years 1974 - 1976 began the excavation, restoration, and reconstruction process in total. This process begins with a massive excavation in the area. Continued to collect all debris and register one. Then last to restructure and re-installation of all the ruins.

In this reconstruction process has been successfully reconstruct the temple foot, temple body, the roof of the temple, and a statue of Lord Shiva. Unfortunately, in this process the original stone of the temple ruins found only about 40% only. Then to reconstruct the building of the temple, is used artificial rocks. And finally the process is completed and the Cangkuang temple Garut restoration finally inaugurated on December 8, 1976.

Temple history Cangkuang Garut
Cangkuang Temple Garut is a Hindu temple relic believed to be from the 8th century. It is based on several facts. The first look of simplicity temple forms a very plain without relief. The second consideration is seen from the decay rate of the stone.

Besides the existence of Cangkuang Temple Garut is also very important because it is believed to be a liaison from the missing link between some of the findings in Karawang Soul Candi, Candi Wonosobo Dieng Dieng in the area, and in areas Gedong Songo Bandungan Ambarawa.

Temple history Cangkuang Garut - Architecture
Picture History of Temple Cangkuang Garut 1of terms of form, this temple is very similar to the discovery of the temple at a place in the top 3. The extent of about 4.5 x 4.5 meters with a height of 8.5 meters. Cangkuang Temple Garut building facing east is characterized by the presence of a 1 meter tall staircase leading to an entrance.

In this temple we cannot find relief or sculptural decoration whatsoever. Inside the temple there is a room of 2.2 m2, and the room has a height of 3.38 meters. In the middle of the room there is a 40 cm tall Shiva statue sitting on top of Nandi (cow) with one leg folded.

Temple history Cangkuang Garut - Ancient Tomb In Beside her
Picture History of Temple Cangkuang Garut 2
One thing that is very unique in this site is found in an ancient tomb that Muslims are right next to the temple Cangkuang arrowroot is a Hindu temple. The tomb is then known as the tomb of Muhammad Arief or also known as the Grandparent Dalem Ariref Muhammad.

Arief Muhammad himself was actually a Senopati of the Islamic Mataram kingdom in Yogyakarta. He was given the task along with his troops to attack the VOC in Batavia, but apparently he failed to beat VOC. Because losing, rather than return to Yogyakarta and instead he withdrew to the interior lands precisely in the area Priangan Leles Garut.

In this place he then spread the religion of Islam to the surrounding community who previously had embraced Hinduism. In this same place he shared with the surrounding community to stem and make a lake named Situ Cangkuang. Lands were unstoppable then formed into a mound bikit or small islands. The small islands named Long Island (where is Kampung Pulo), Masigit Island, Wedus Island, Gede Island, Katanda Island, and Island Leutik.


Temple history Cangkuang Garut - Religious Tolerance and Cultural inculturation
Arief Muhammad then settle down and marry a local woman, and have 6 girls and 1 boy. The spread of Islam been able to do so and make resident about converting to Islam. This is evident from some further discoveries are:

    Scripture Qu'ran made of bark or Saih measuring 24 cm x 33 cm.
    Friday Sermon manuscript made from goat skin measuring 23 cm x 176 cm.
    Science Book of Fiqh made of bark or Saih measuring 18.5 cm x 26 cm.

Some evidence also suggests that the inculturation of religious and cultural tolerance in this area is still very strong even to this day. This is evident from the location of the tomb of Muhammad Arief an Islamic religious leader, who was right next to a Hindu temple.

Another inculturation happens is still used local customary rules even though the people have embraced Islam. This terrbukti with the enactment of the day on Wednesday as the local community, instead of Friday. On Wednesday the public is required to only perform religious activities just like the Koran, religious sermons, and studying Islam. Who apply custom rules, on Wednesday banned the pilgrimage at the tomb of Muhammad Arief.

Settlements uniqueness Cangkuang Temple Adat Kampung Pulo

Picture History of Temple Cangkuang Garut 2
Kampung Pulo indigenous settlements located just above the Long Island near the temple site Cangkuang Garut. Customary settlement is very unique, as it consists of 6 houses with 6 heads of families. Indigenous settlements Kampung Pulo is a mini township that is composed of 3 houses on the right and the left 3 houses facing each other, coupled with a mosque.

Another uniqueness is the number of families in this village should not be more than 6 households. If a family member is getting married, new families must immediately leave the traditional village and given no later than 2 weeks after the wedding. The new family was only allowed back to their homes in the traditional village if there is one family that died. It was only her children are permitted, and must be determined through a vote by local residents.

The existence of indigenous villages and historical sites Cangkuang arrowroot temple in this area is one proof of diversity and tolerance among religions and cultures that are very high in the past. Although only a small village with a small temple site but the culture and history of the temple site Cangkuang Garut still very interesting to be visited by the tourists.

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