Glossary of Olympus

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Glossary of Olympus

A little theogony ...

According to the religion of the Greek cities of antiquity, is the Chaos that started it all. It resulted in the birth of eight Giants, who are (in order of arrival):
- Gaia (Mother Earth);
- Eros (Desire);
- Erebos (Darkness);
- Nyx (Night);
- Aither (Light of the Stars);
- Uranus (Starry Sky);
- Hemera (Light of Day);
- Pontos (Sea).

Gaia and Ouranos have many children, such as Phoïbé (Moon), Mnemosyne (Memory), Kronos (Time), the Ocean, Cyclops and Hyperion (father of Helios, the Sun).
That interests us here is Kronos. This character leads with dénomée Rhea several children, who are Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, Maia, Dione and Leto, only here, it has a nasty habit of eating his offspring ...
Rhea, his wife does not appreciate much: being pregnant again, she decided to save at least one, she called Zeus. The latter is taken away on a mediterranean island, and is fed by the goat Amalthea.
Then Zeus grows and learns what his father did to his brothers and sisters, he decides to take revenge. It therefore makes a visit to Kronos, kills and opens the stomach, releasing the whole family. He became the supreme ruler of Mount Olympus ...


Glossary of Olympus
This glossary contains information about the gods, demigods, and other legendary figures of gods in Greek mythology.




River Peloponnese personified.
Son of Oceanus and Tethys.


Goddess of beauty and love.
Attribute: the dove.
According to some, she is the daughter of Zeus and Dione. Another legend says she was born of the sea is the wife of Hephaestus.
Lover of Zeus, she is the mother of Eros (love) and Aeneas.


God of the arts and the sun.
Attributes: bow, lyre, flute.
Son of Leto and Zeus.
Brother of Artemis.
It kills the serpent Python, who terrorized the inhabitants of Delphi: the famous sanctuary here dedicated to him.

God of War
Attributes: helmet, weapons.
Son of Zeus and Hera.

Goddess of the moon and hunting.
Attributes: Low bow deer.
Daughter of Leto and Zeus.
Sister of Apollo.

God of medicine.
Attribute: the snake.
Son of Apollo and Coronis, a princess.
His education was entrusted to the centaur Chiron, who taught him medicine. He was so clever he managed to resurrect the dead. Zeus, considering that upset the order as he had designed, glared. A large shrine is dedicated to the god at Epidaurus.

Goddess of wisdom and war wise, it is also
protector of the city that bears his name (Athens).
Attributes: olive, owl and umbrella (this round shield was covered with the skin of the goat Amalthea, which feeds Zeus in its infancy).
This deity is out army of the head of Zeus.


Giant with 50 heads and 100 arms.
Son of Gaia and Uranus, it is also called EGEON.


Twin brother Pollux, Helen and Clytemnestra.
Son of Leda. The father is either Zeus or Tyndareus.


God of wine.
Attributes: Panthers.
Son of Zeus and Semele.
Lover of Aphrodite.


This man was one of the first rulers of Attica. He accidentally killed a son of Minos, the latter demanded that he offered another of his son, the Minotaur, 50 boys and 50 girls each year for the "dédomager". Theseus, son of Aegeus, on an expedition to kill him. With the help of Ariadne, he fulfilled his mission. But he agreed with his father on his return, he would draw black sails the ship that brought him back if he was dead, and white sails if he was alive. He returned safe and sound, but forgot to put the white sails and let the black. His father Aegeus, seeing back off the boat with the sails, threw himself off a cliff into the sea that now bears his name.


The spinners
Also called "Sad spinners." See Fates.


God of the underworld and darkness.
Attributes: scepter and Cerberus (three-headed dog
guarding the entrance of the underworld).
Son of Kronos and Rhea.
Brother of Zeus and Poseidon.
Husband of Persephone, goddess of vegetation.

God of blacksmiths.
Attributes: anvil, hammer.
Son of Zeus and Hera.
Husband of Aphrodite.

Goddess of marriage.
Attributes: pomegranate, peacock.
Wife of Zeus.
Daughter of Kronos and Rhea.

God of travelers, merchants and thieves;
Messenger of the gods.
Attributes: caduceus, wings.
Son of Zeus and Maia (Goddess of growth).
Lover of Aphrodite.

The Hours
Daughters of Zeus and Themis, are the goddesses of the seasons. They are three in number and control the clouds.


Goddess of childbirth, she is the daughter of Zeus and Hera.

Messenger of the gods, it also refers to the rainbow sky, that is to say, the link between Heaven and Earth.

He tries to seduce Hera, but finally united with a cloud façoné ​​by Zeus in the image of the goddess. Master of Olympus punished the then attaching it to a flaming wheel, which prevails in the universe forever.


The son of Aeson was the centaur Chiron as master. His uncle Pelias confiscated all his property. When he demanded, the ç the Charga to go grab the famous Golden Fleece in Colchis. He then boarded a ship named Argo and surrounded himself with Argonauts (the most famous of them will were Hercules, Castor and Pollux). Jason defeated the Harpies, who guarded the fleece, and took them. He was helped in his task by Medea, the daughter of the king of Colchis, who loved him.


Daughter of a Titan, she is the mother of Zeus, Apollo and Artemis, she gave birth on the island of Delos. The delivery was complicated by the jealousy of Hera, wife of Zeus, who refused him access to all the places where she could give birth.


The Muses
They are nine sisters, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne (Memory). They paraînent chacunes an art history Clio, Euterpe flute, Erato poetry Polhymnie pantomime, dance Terpsichore, Uramie astronomy, Calliope eloquence, Melpomene and Thalia tragedy comedy.


The Fates
Gods of fate. They are three sisters, Atropos, Clotho and Lachesis, daughters of Zeus and Themis.
They are responsible for weaving cut or pull out the frame of the destiny of every human.

God of the oceans and seas.
Attributes: trident, horse.
Son of Kronos and Rhea.
Brother of Zeus and Hades.

Twin brother of Castor, Helen and Clytemnestra.
Son of Leda. The father is either Zeus or Tyndareus.
Legend has it that Zeus gave immortality Pollux after his brothers had died. He accepted that this only on condition to share with his brother, every other day.


God of heaven and Olympus.
Attributes: scepter, eagles, lightning.
Son of Kronos and Gaia.
Brother Hades and Poseidon.
Husband of Hera.

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