phenomenon mystical fog in the area Borobudur

12:40 AM

mystical fog,borobudur,temple
Used LAND still wet the rain yesterday evening. Footsteps continue treading the path uphill penetrate the early morning cold. Lighting is the only point that there are only a flashlight of two villagers who guided four newcomers to the area or hill tops puntuk Situmbu.

Since at 4.30 pm they moved from the township in Kurahan hamlet, Karang Rejo, District of Borobudur, Magelang, to cleave the wooded forests of teak and sengon. 20 minutes later they arrived at the peak of the field area, a point for them to start hunting photo fog blanketed the Borobudur Temple.

As dawn slowly emerged between the slopes of Mount Merapi and Merbabu, that's like a
stuck Borobudur stupa which is the top of the temple in the midst of a thick fog seedlings. Right then slowly VIII century temple architecture is noticeably radiates magic, mystic, and quiet.

The power of getting in, because fog blanketed beneath a group of people in a very reverence for the monks and the people who prepare the seconds waiting for the arrival of the Holy Tri Vesak 2010 tomorrow morning in the courtyard of the temple.

The hunt has not been successful. Them, the photographer had to patiently wait for the fog drifting, hoping the fog thinning stupa reveal that dozens of its integrity as a silhouette of the temple.

Although the sky was bright and still looks the rest of the star, the fog is not necessarily fast depleting. By their unpredictable weather, because the local district yesterday evening rain.


Nuryanto, 30 years old, one of the guides said, need precise calculation when photographing mist shrouded Borobudur temple in puntuk Situmbu. He usual during June to August is a great time to take pictures.

"Outside of these months is usually always raining and the temple is not visible at all from here (peak) for certain very long thick fog covered, if sunny, the sun's position is less precise so that is not good," he explained.

In fact, according to some travelers and photographers have many times to the top of the hill to get a moment of prey. Just as Heru Sri Kumoro, Reuters photographer in Solo, after the second time there before she can get the temple landscape.

During 2010 it was recorded hundreds of people have hiked the area. In a particular instance of August visiting foreign tourists crowded. "But as often as not a single tourist in certain days and months as the rainy season and the weather felt to be supportive," said Riyakub, other guides.

"If good heavens, no later than five o'clock we had to climb, let us not lose sight," he added.

Since two years ago, the peak of the hill has been managed as a tourist destination panoramic sunrise and fog temple. Hamlet Kurahan taken approximately 20 minutes drive from the motor vehicle Borobudur Temple. In the early post climbing, visitors can park their vehicles and also unusual in that post is waiting for the tour of the local village youth.

Village cooperatives withdraw money amounting to Rp 15,000 per visitor to the village treasury income. It is inclusive of service treking guide to the top to be taken for 15-20 minutes. The price certainly is not burdensome than the satisfaction of mystical power at the same time take in the beauty of Borobudur Temple.

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